Production Plus and FSTCam4 integration

FSTCam4 is Fom’s CAM software for the aluminium extrusion processing sector. The programme offers a complete solution for design, commissioning, machining and production list.
Production Plus is FST’s software for creating multi-machine machining lists, both manually and through a library of parametric items.
FST has developed the integration between the 2 programmes: it is now possible to transfer the projects created with FSTCam4 to the Production Plus library of parametric items simply by importing a file or folder of set-up files’ .fcd ‘. Once they have been entered in the programme, variables and lengths become parameters of the item in Production Plus.
The integration is aimed at companies that already have a library of pieces created in FSTCam4 and need to create machining lists from the office, making their work easier and faster. In addition, the programmes created in FSTCam4 are also used to generate the cutting list optimised for the cutting machine.
This integration offers several benefits:
- Reusing the machining schedule in FSTCam4 without having to process it in Production Plus
- Preparing the cutting lists starting from the programme of the pieces created for the machining centre
- Integrating cutting with the management system data, as required by Industry 4.0
For further information, please contact Customer Service.