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FST Track and ProPlan: the window supply chain under control


A recent article on, the digital in-depth feature of the magazine “Serramenti, Design e Componenti”, mentions ProPlan and FST Track, the two modules in ProF2 Suite designed to support the window and door sector supply chain.

ProPlan is an innovative production scheduler software that allows the weekly workload for each production line to be assessed. Job cards are user-customisable and can be easily moved by drag-and-drop to adapt to the company’s needs.

FST Track, on the other hand, allows progress of the work stages for each order to be monitored directly from the office.

When combined with FST Track, ProPlan displays the status of each job, making it an integrated tool for production management and control.

>Read the full article on and find out more about how these two modules can benefit window and door manufacturers: